Saturday, May 26, 2007

Creative Energy

Attended the RiverBend Art Fair in Atchison, Kansas today. What a bunch of talented artists there were! I wasn't able to participate this year as I had too many other obligations but I didn't want to miss seeing all the beautiful artwork and visiting with friends.

My friends, Pat and Christina, had their work there and I couldn't resist getting some pieces to take home with me.

This beautiful tassel created by Pat will find it's home in my bedroom. I have been trying to collect all types of lavender creations to surround myself as I snuggle in bed. I love the smell of lavender and the color brings a sense of calm.

These other wonderful creations were made by Christina. She is always making some of the loveliest things. You must visit her site. She draws some lovely whimsical art. She did a map for Atchison, Ks and it is captivating to everyone that sees it.

I plan to add these to my collection of art in my art studio. I have so much fun just looking at all my treasures.

After looking at all the wonderful eye candy, I went to Snowball for my favorite Strawberry Sundae with Pecans. One final stop at my favorite shop for more decorating goodies, Willow Brook and then headed home. Such a fun day!

Well, must get busy creating. Stop in and visit again.

Thursday, May 10, 2007


Hello, little friend.

How tiny you are

...yet your heart is filled with giving.

Your gift of beauty

is enjoyed by many.

The brilliant colors in your wings

sparkle with every hue you gently kiss each bud,

then flutter to another.

Unaware of the gift you share move about the garden.

The florals await your visit and

anticipate your kiss.

I, too, await your visit.

Thank you, my tiny friend,

...enjoy the warmth of the sun

and drops of dew....

As I enjoy watching you.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


How fitting that I received my Home Sweet Home swap piece this past weekend. Tracie brought it with her when she and my son came for a visit. It is FABULOUS!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! The WONDERFUL artists whose swaps I received are: Carla Barrett (door), Mary Stanley (window-upper right) and Alma Stoller (remaining 2 windows)! What a gift on such a special week end! Thanks Tracie for hosting the swap and thanks to the artists that all participated!

This piece arrived at such a special time. All our children were here to visit and we celebrated our grandchild, Tracie and my birthdays! We had so much fun!!!

It is always a blessing when all the family is together. I cherish those moments and as the years pass I realize they are even more precious than ever! As I watch the boys play cards and have fun together I still see my little boys - even though they are grown men! I am very proud of each of them. They grew up into the best young men a mom could ever ask for!

Family - a gift to cherish and hold close to the heart!

Home Sweet Home!