Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Sunday I returned home from a FANTASTIC weekend with a TERRIFIC group of ladies! We spent the weekend creating and sharing artistic ideas. It was a MOST fun filled weekend of "girls just having fun!"

This is the beautiful "backyard" where we stayed!

We giggled and talked until late in the evening, created art all day and shared stories and experiences. I felt like a teenager hanging out with friends with laughter ringing through the air where joy and fun surrounded everything we shared.

I have so many pictures to share so I am only going to give a sneak peak today and over this weekend I will post the WONDERFUL stills of our experiences.

Look at this beautiful pond that was right outside the backdoor!

This is moss that I gathered to include in my artwork! I am so envious that this grows right there in the backyard and is abundant everywhere!

I can hardly wait to include this beautiful natural moss in my fiber fusion and collage!

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